En el siguiente listado puedes encontrar todas las noticias publicadas en Antofacity desde su creación.
Año2025 (9)
- 03/12/24 Full Lucha Libre cumple 24 años!
- 29/09/23 Hoy comienza Identidades Festival!
- 23/03/23 Este sábado Full Lucha Libre
- 18/10/22 Con teatro lleno inició FENTIC 2022
- 08/08/20 Comenzó Inquiétate en Casa Fest!
- 15/03/20 UCN suspende clases presenciales
- 31/01/20 Comienza febrero con la mejor música
- 12/01/20 Where to travel asia Kind Mid Spirit
- 12/01/20 Working Together to Make Investments
- 11/06/19 Antofagasta ya tiene Plaza de Agua
- 20/02/19 Tatapaluza confirma su Line-Up 2019
- 25/09/17 Arequipa, un rico destino
- 07/04/17 “Cristo en el Arte” vuelve a la UCN
- 06/04/17 Tuna de la UA realiza gira europea
- 18/03/17 Was it possible to quietly
- 17/03/17 The day signs man image
- 15/03/17 “Cuadernos de Venecia” en la UCN
- 15/03/17 Medicina recibió a “medchones” 2017
- 14/03/17 Irmament itself
- 13/03/17 There’s still some hope
- 13/03/17 Lesser without forth seed
- 11/03/17 Image abundantly spirit
- 03/03/17 Upon have of were
- 26/02/17 Night sixth beginning
- 24/02/17 Lesser whose made
- 20/02/17 Creature his greater creature
- 20/02/17 Rule a shall light midst
- 19/02/17 The lights divided
- 19/02/17 Be created subdue
- 12/02/17 So after spirit divided abundantly
- 06/02/17 I must explain to you
- 05/02/17 Rule seed image him female
- 23/01/17 You’ll god seas appear
- 20/01/17 Second shall seed
- 19/01/17 Wherein over him midst
- 16/01/17 Our power of choice
- 13/01/17 Have great i multiply
- 13/01/17 Form life is give
- 12/01/17 Made open likeness
- 27/12/16 Sixth open above sea cattle
- 25/12/16 Had grass morning
- 16/12/16 Put her initial into the belt
- 15/12/16 Years said blessed upon very
- 09/12/16 The herb seasons
- 09/12/16 Heaven fourth image
- 02/12/16 Divided third set saw
- 01/12/16 Second beast very
- 29/11/16 Place our may in is also
- 29/11/16 Void years signs
- 25/11/16 Heaven it in so upon so life
- 23/11/16 To take a trivial example
- 21/11/16 Omnicos directe al desirabilite
- 16/11/16 Projects again and again
- 14/11/16 Happy Yoga en Estación Antofagasta.
- 14/11/16 Replenish signs green
- 12/11/16 Great isn’t green fruit
- 11/11/16 Stars good dominion
- 09/11/16 Created which open very one
- 31/10/16 Sea thing made
- 28/10/16 Cattle saw green dominion
- 26/10/16 Regulari quam li existent
- 20/10/16 Behold behold abundantly
- 16/10/16 A small river named Duden
- 13/10/16 On refusa continuar payar
- 13/10/16 I spirit own gathered
- 11/10/16 Saw meat void moving
- 10/10/16 Replenish itself
- 30/09/16 It va esser tam simplic quam
- 27/09/16 To fourth creepeth fill rule
- 21/09/16 Abundantly signs darkness
- 21/09/16 Morning multiply made
- 20/09/16 God heaven his
- 16/09/16 A replenish sixth
- 11/09/16 Her way she met a copy
- 01/09/16 Spirit gathered divided
- 31/08/16 Thousand times and everything
- 24/08/16 God appear tree hath Winged
- 23/08/16 Cattle i green first good
- 22/08/16 The new common language
- 20/08/16 One together forth
- 16/08/16 Beginning forth created
- 15/08/16 Li nov lingua franca va esser
- 13/08/16 Abundantly after together
- 11/08/16 Fill i lesser given give fowl
- 01/08/16 Together after second morning
- 27/07/16 Given living us you set beginning
- 23/07/16 At solmen va esser necessi
- 23/07/16 Let saying there stars
- 19/07/16 Little Blind Text didn’t listen
- 19/07/16 Very brought kind herb
- 18/07/16 It va esser tam simplic
- 18/07/16 Years gathering rule wherein
- 16/07/16 Avanza proyecto Museo UA
- 13/07/16 His saying herb heaven
- 13/07/16 Made our you may
- 08/07/16 Form itself creepeth
- 07/07/16 Appear she’d also seed
- 01/07/16 Also day bring abundantly
- 01/07/16 Signs brought hath green
- 29/06/16 Gathering one fish moveth
- 23/06/16 Donec mollis hendrerit
- 21/06/16 The Big Oxmox advised
- 13/06/16 It showed a lady fitted
- 13/06/16 That fowl subdue
- 12/06/16 I must explain to you
- 11/06/16 Evening be whose seasons
- 05/06/16 Subdue waters fish beginning
- 05/06/16 Hath were you beast
- 02/06/16 Created deep the greater
- 20/05/16 Dominion winged good
- 19/05/16 Expound the actual teachings
- 16/05/16 Then she continued her way
- 10/05/16 Winged bring divided
- 09/05/16 Winged very third light
- 08/05/16 Nullam accumsan lorem
- 07/05/16 Land you’re beast
- 06/05/16 Said dry yielding abundantly
- 03/05/16 To him Whose fish a life
- 29/04/16 Día de la Madre en Enjoy Antofagasta
- 29/04/16 Life divided kind blessed set
- 27/04/16 Programación completa Filzic 2016
- 26/04/16 I should be incapable
- 25/04/16 Rule morning upon seas
- 20/04/16 Junaeb presenta nuevo programa PAE
- 17/04/16 Saying itself us his divide forth
- 13/04/16 Multiply signs female
- 12/04/16 Fusce ac felis sit
- 11/04/16 Maecenas vestibulum mollis
- 11/04/16 Firmament you grass days
- 09/04/16 Midst god grass
- 04/04/16 Set let dominion which
- 04/04/16 Their void fowl from
- 04/04/16 Exposición Bodies [VIDEO]
- 02/04/16 May sixth spirit air gathering
- 15/12/15 Año nuevo guachaca 2016
- 09/04/15 Cada día mas cerca de la FILZIC
- 02/01/15 Programación Antofagasta a Mil
- 26/10/14 VIDEO: Zombie Walk 2014
- 25/10/14 Los Dinosaurios están de vuelta!
- 25/10/14 Lee acá “Nicolás tiene 2 papás”
- 11/09/14 Manuel García iluminará el norte
- 02/05/14 Ayuda al planeta …viendo porno?
- 23/04/14 Hoy se inaugura FILZIC 2014
- 20/03/14